This is my media diet for the past 7 days:
Wednesday, February 16:
1. Internet 2 hours: Facebook, ESPN, Sporcle, Stumbleupon, SCU, Yahoo, Google, Youtube
2. Television 2 hours: Two and a Half Men, Family Guy, South Park, American Dad, Tosh.0
3. Reading 2 hours: Homework
4. Video Games 2 Hours: NBA 2K11, Hearts of Iron Doomsday
Thursday, February 17:
1. Internet 3 Hours: Facebook, ESPN, SCU, Yahoo, Google, Youtube
2. Television 3 Hours: Two and a Half Men, Family Guy, South Park
3. Reading 1 Hour: Homework
4. Video Games 1 Hour: Hearts of Iron Doomsday
Friday, February 18:
1. Internet 1 hour: Facebook, ESPN, SCU, Yahoo, Google, Mapquest, Youtube
2. Television 1 hour: Maury
3. Reading: Nothing
4. Video Games: Nothing
Saturday, February 19:
1. Internet 30 minutes: Youtube, SCU, ESPN, Yahoo, ESPN
2. Television: Nothing
3. Reading: Nothing
4. Video Games: Nothing
Sunday, February 20:
1. Internet: Nothing
2. Television 2 hours: South Park, Chapelle's Show
3. Reading: Nothing
4. Video Games: Nothing
Monday, February 21:
1. Internet: 3 hours: SCU, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Youtube, Sporcle, ESPN
2. Television: 1 Hour: That 70's Show
3. Reading 4 Hours: Homework
4. Video Games: Nothing
Tuesday, February 22:
1. Internet 1 hours: SCU, Facebook, ESPN
2. Television 2 hours: Family Guy, Tosh.O
3. Reading 8 hours: Homework
4. Video Games 30 minutes: Ikariam
Wednesday, February 23:
1.Internet 2 hours: ESPN, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, SCU
2. Television 2 hours: That 70's Show, South Park, American Dad, Spartacus
3. Reading 1 hour: homework
4. Video Games 1 hour: Ikariam
My media diet shows several different conclusion. First of all, I realize that I read very little; the only times I read are for class. The days were I had significantly more readings were days that I was studying for tests. I used to read much more when I was younger, and I would like to bring my amount of reading up. I also see that I do not spend too much time watching television or on the internet. I mostly use the internet to check my emails and homework assignments; from time to time I use the Internet for entertainment. I prefer socializing with my friends over using the computer. I noticed that I also mostly watch comedy shows, especially cartoons. I think that this all says that I am a moderately social person who has a good sense of humor; I like to watch comedy because it is a stress reliever. As for the days I had little activity, I was in Davis, CA visiting friends. I feel like I am an average American when it comes to media consumption; having to deal with school and work, I still have a fair amount media use. However, I feel like I have less media consumption than other people my age; I notice that my friends use the television, Xbox, and computer more than I do. I do not know how my social location affects my media consumption. However, I assume that perhaps the group of friends that I grew up with affected how much media I use. My friends and I use have a fair amount of media consumption, however we never spend too much time with it. Most of the time when I go on the internet, it is simply briefly checking it through my cell phone.
I have read through a few people's "Media Diets" and one common theme is that the majority of people don't think they use media too often compared to their friends. Even though we tracked our use, I think our opinion is still very biased. I did like the comment on how you used to read more when you were younger. I feel as though if we excluded all media from our lives, we would probably turn to reading books as a source of entertainment again.