Thursday, February 3, 2011

3. Technology and Social Interaction

I think that the spread of technology has had a positive impact on my every day face to face interaction. Cell phones and the internet helps me get a hold of people more often. Once I am in contact with these people, I can coordinate a place to meet in person. While helping me see people around me, technology has also allowed me to communicate with those far away. This is not the case for all other people, however. While others are able to benefit from the spread of technology in respect to face to face interaction, some are hurt by it. For example, someone might use the internet in order to meet people either through social networks or dating sites. Sometimes this can be helpful, for the person might be shy or too busy for meeting others normally. However, others who turn to online gaming or virtual worlds rather than at least a healthy dosage of both have unhealthy lifestyles. If one creates a relationship that never has face to face interaction, then that relationship cannot be meaningful. One needs to actually be in the presence of the other person, otherwise they will never truly get to know them. It is like a long-distance relationship: it is very hard to maintain a real relationship without any real contact. They will feel doubt about the relationship, and possibly doubt themselves. Additionally, by paying too much attention to the fake world, one risks neglecting their real everyday relationships; one will soon find himself or herself alone. As a society, I feel that all we can do is educate our young about the risks of losing oneself in a fake world. Parents should encourage more real socializing to their children, telling them to go out and find others. Society has provided people with public "real' spaces; all that is left is for people to fill them up.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really interesting that online relationships might be construed as less real, or that they cannot live up to relationships in-person. I think those relationships can still be substantive and powerful. Long-distance relationships, in and of themselves, exemplify how relationships are felt and seen using social networking. I have to wonder if technology will facilitate relationships, on- and off-line, to make them more 'real'.
